# Digital Garden
A Digital Garden is essentially a combination of personal notes which are most commonly interlinked to create a sort-of personal wikipedia. The most common form of a digital garden these days is a Zettelkasten.
# Acquisition
We consume a lot of information, newsletters, blogs, tutorials, etc. so much so that large parts of it are at risk of being forgotten. Digital garden is a place where one can write (or plant them) this information and then come back to it when it is needed.
# Work in Progress
A digital garden is constantly evolving, and is never finished, notes can be short or contain questions without answers. A digital garden is more of a captain's log than a blog, you write it for yourself, the distinction between this and a "broadcast" blog comes down to how you blog, for me it's much different than writing blog posts. I like to write notes when studying or as a form of relaxation after a long day.